This is intended to document the phec language as used in our ant finite
state machine generator.
The language is similiar to that of the ant finite state machine language.
Though the phec language contains some useful additions to the language of
the ants, the main progress is the use of names or labels, to refer to a
state of the machine. This means that code becomes far more easy to relocate
and in fact in the phec language each state does not necessarily have to start
on a new line. In order to further simplify the task of relocating and/or
re-using a block of code, the phec language introduces blocks so that labels
referring to states are confined within a block, this means that names for
labels can be re-used within separate blocks, avoiding the necessity for
the programmer to constantly come up with new names to avoid clashes.
This also means that we cannot jump to a state that is in the middle of a block
this can help the programmer avoid being in a state that was appropriate,
for example every PickUp state may be within a block such that it can only
occur one we have checked that there is indeed food on the segment occupied
by the ant.
So time for some phec code, here is a block of code which
makes the ant go between two points on the board which it can't get past.
pace_like_guard {
drive Move drive blocked
blocked Turn Left once_left
once_left Turn Left twice_left
twice_left Turn Left drive
Notice that we give the whole block a rather verbose name, but the names within
the block are quite concise. This avoids us having names such as blocked_while_pacing_like_a_guard.
Blocks are useful, but what would be more useful is to be able to right a block
that is parameterised by some portion of the block within. To this end we
allow macros, or parameterised blocks. As we have seen state numbers have
already been replaced by names, but what may not have been obvious from the
code block about, is that the Turn direction is in fact also an identifier,
rather than a keyword as in the ant language. The same is true for the sense
directions, the sense conditions and the markers. So the above code could
have been written
pace_like_guard (turn_dir) {
drive Move drive blocked
blocked Turn turn_dir once
once Turn turn_dir twice
twice Turn turn_dir drive
and then called this with either
&pace_like_guard (Left)
&pace_like_guard (Right).
Though this quite a silly example we can show how the example program given
in the task description is written with the use of macros in the phec langauge.
random_search {
search (desire, return_address)
{ search Sense Ahead return_address not_found desire
not_found Choose (links, recht, gerade)
links Turn TurnLeft search
recht Turn TurnRight search
gerade Move search not_found
search_for_food &search (Food, found_food)
found_food PickUp go_home search_for_food go_home &search (Home, found_home)
found_home Drop search_for_food
The search macro will search for the desired condition, here it is applied
searching for food and then searching for home. This example also demonstrates
that we now have a very primitive form of procedure, since the return address
can be passed in as a parameter.
Choices and Conditional Expressions
The final major addition to the language is the ability to make a choice about
how the macro should be expanded based on (generally) one of it's parameter.
Here we use the If Then Else clause to make the search decide what to do once
it has found the desired condition.
simple_beahaviour {
search (desire)
{ search Sense Ahead found not_found desire
not_found Choose (links, recht, gerade)
links Turn TurnLeft search
recht Turn TurnRight search
gerade Move search not_found
found If desire = Food Then
{ collect PickUp go_home search_for_food } Else
{ drop_food Drop search_for_food}
search_for_food &search (Food)
go_home &search (Home)
The Pre-Processor
The pre-processor gives further facilities to the programmer by removing
tedious tasks such as repeating blocks of code a set number of times and
including the contents of other files, this assists with multiple developers
working on the ant specification simultaneously.
Abstract Syntax
Pheromone Language
Program ::= <LabeledStatments>*LabeledStatments ::= label <Statement>Statement ::= '{' <Program> '}' -- Block
| '('label*')' '{' <Program> '}' -- Macro
| &label label '(' <Identifier>* ')' -- MacroUse
| Choose '('label*')' -- comma seperated
| If <BoolExpr> Then { <Program> } Else { <Program> }
| Sense <SenseDir> label label <Condition>
| Mark <Mark> label
| Unmark <Mark> label
| PickUp label label
| Drop label
| Turn <TurnDir> label
| Move label label
| Flip <Num> label labelMark ::= Mark0 | Mark1 | Mark2 | Mark3 | Mark4 | Mark5
Marker ::= Marker0 | Marker1 | Marker2 | Marker3 | Marker4 | Marker5
TurnDir ::= {Left | Right}
Num ::= 0..BoolExpr ::= (<BoolExpr>)
| <BoolExpr> && <BoolExpr>
| <BoolExpr> || <BoolExpr>
| <Identifier> = <Identifier>Identifier ::= {<SenseDir> | <TurnDir> | <Condition>
| <Marker> | <Mark> | label}Condition ::= Friend
| Foe
| FriendWithFood
| FoeWithFood
| Food
| Rock
| <Marker>
| FoeMarker
| Home
| FoeHomeSenseDir ::= Here
| Ahead
| Left
| Right
Commenting is in Haskell syntax:
-- for one line comment
{- for multiple
line comment -}
comments can be nested.
#include file.phec -- includes file.phec at this position#times (Var) (Num)
abitrary contents with some $<ExprWithVar>$ in which are
evaluated for each copy of the block
ExprWithVar ::= Var | Number | (<ExprWithVar>)
| <ExprWithVar> '*' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '/' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '%' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '+' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '-' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '|' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '&' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '==' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '/=' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '<<' <ExprWithVar>
| <ExprWithVar> '>>' <ExprWithVar>