Informatik, Modellbau und Privates von Georg
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Changes of Simple Parallel Exec from #13 to #14

Changed lines at line 45
45: * Format of communication is specified in [Simple Parallel Exec#Protocol] section
46: - initialisation: for every slave: try to start client (ssh). If it fails: check ssh connection with dummy ssh command. Success -> copy client to slave using scp and try to start it.
47: - on http request for configuration: reply client configuration (i.e. worker name, MD5 checksum and what to do on exit)
48: - on http request for worker executeable: reply with the binary for the right platform
49: - on http request for new task: reply with the next command to execute and all parameters.
50: - on http request for statistics (normal website): reply statistics webpage
51: - on post: validate result, mark task as completed and collect results
52: - no more task to process: exit and display statistics.
53: 1.1 Client
54: * Format of communication is specified in [Simple Parallel Exec#Protocol] section
55: * gets via command line: Session ID, server URL and port
56: - register at the server and fetch configuration
57: - check for the worker: if not already at local filesystem or the MD5 checksum is wrong: fetch it (for own platform) from the server
58: - fetch a task
59: - run worker
60: - check return code: if failed -> Post failture otherwise take the results and post them.
61: - fetch next task
62: - die if there is no more task or the server is not responding.
63: * different settings for termination: delete executeable (if fetched), delete the client program, delete results?
65: 1 Protocol
66: 1.1 Configuration
67: - Request: GET \http://master/config?sessionID=SESSIONID
68: - Fail (due to wrong session id): 403 (Forbidden)
69: - Successful Reply: List of Key = Value pairs.
70: {code:none}
71: DeleteWorker=Yes/No
72: DeleteClient=Yes/No
73: Ping=#
74: {code}
75: * Format of communication is specified in [Protocol|Simple Parallel Exec#Protocol] section
76: - initialisation: for every slave: try to start client (ssh). If it fails: check ssh connection with dummy ssh command. Success -> copy client to slave using scp and try to start it.
77: - on http request for configuration: reply client configuration (i.e. worker name, MD5 checksum and what to do on exit)
78: - on http request for worker executeable: reply with the binary for the right platform
79: - on http request for new task: reply with the next command to execute and all parameters.
80: - on http request for statistics (normal website): reply statistics webpage
81: - on post: validate result, mark task as completed and collect results
82: - no more task to process: exit and display statistics.
83: 1.1 Client
84: * Format of communication is specified in [Protocol|Simple Parallel Exec#Protocol] section
85: * gets via command line: Session ID, server URL and port
86: - register at the server and fetch configuration
87: - check for the worker: if not already at local filesystem or the MD5 checksum is wrong: fetch it (for own platform) from the server
88: - fetch a task
89: - run worker
90: - check return code: if failed -> Post failture otherwise take the results and post them.
91: - fetch next task
92: - die if there is no more task or the server is not responding.
93: * different settings for termination: delete executeable (if fetched), delete the client program, delete results?
95: 1 Protocol {anchor:Protocol}
96: 1.1 Configuration
97: - Request: GET \http://master/config?sessionID=SESSIONID&Platform=PLATFORM
98: - Fail (due to wrong session id): 403 (Forbidden)
99: - Successful Reply: List of Key = Value pairs.
100: {code:none}
101: Worker=name of the executeable
102: MD5=md5 checksum of the executeable
103: DeleteWorker=Yes/No
104: DeleteClient=Yes/No
105: DeleteResults=Yes/No
106: Ping=#
107: {code}
108: * PLATFORM: system property "ostype" (string)


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