Informatik, Modellbau und Privates von Georg
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Changes of Studium from #1 to #2

Changed lines at line 2
2: __Grundstudium__
3: - [Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität]
4: - [Kommunikationsysteme]
5: - [OO-Praktikum]
6: - [C-Praktikum 2001]
7: - [Numerik]
8: __Hauptstudium__
9: 1. Grundstudium
10: - [Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität]
11: - [Kommunikationsysteme]
12: - [OO-Praktikum]
13: - [C-Praktikum 2001]
14: - [Numerik]
15: 2. Hauptstudium
16: - [Robotik Problemseminsar]
17: - [Ontologiebassierte - Wissenmodellierung]
18: - [Funktionale Programmierung: autotool challenger]
19: 3. Auslandsstudium / Abroad Study
20: 3.1 Modules Term 1
21: - [System Level Integration Pratical]
22: - [Computer Networking
23: Computation on Biodata]
24: - [Introduction to Vision and Robotics]
25: - [Embedded Software]
26: - [Modelling and Simulation]
27: 3.2 Modules Term 2
28: - [Parallel Algorithms and Programming]
29: - [Parallel Architectures]
30: - [Intelligent Sensing and Control]
31: - [Advanced Vision]
32: - [Distributed Computation for Cognition]
33: 3.3 University of Edinburgh
34: - Uniseite:
35: - Division Informatics
36: - Module page


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