This survey was announced by the organisers. This is our filled in answer:
Team Name: Formicoideas
2 Team members (and nationalities):
- Georg Martius (Leipzig/Germany)
- Jörg Endrullis (Leipzig/Germany)
- Allan D. Clark (Edinburgh/Scottland)
3 Web pages:
4 Person-hours spent:
5 Tools/programming languages used:
- Haskell
- Java
- Phec (Pheromon language) :-)
6 Computing platform(s):
- 2x Linux PC with Athlon 1400Mhz 256MB and ??
- 1x Windows PC
7 Prior ICFP contest experience:
- Georg: 2002, 2003
- Jörg: 2003
8 How did you hear about the ICFP competition?
Haskell and OCaml mailing lists.
9 What is your programming experience?
- Georg: Haskell: experienced (3 years)
- Joerg: Java:
- Allan: Haskell: rookie, but OCaml and ML experience.
10 Rate the difficulty level of this year's task: (0 - 10) 0 = way too easy 10 = way too hard:
11 Did you have fun?
12 Did you finish the competition and submit a solution?
13 Let us know what you liked/disliked about this year's task.
Last two years you could submit a solution earlier on and the latest submussion was taken. I missed that!
14 Please give us any suggestions/comments for future contest organizers: